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Looking for books to educate and inspire? Check out this catalog of our LGBTQIA+ library that we have at The Human Rights Education Institute, along with offerings from our partners Community Library Network, Coeur d'Alene Library, and the Molstead Library at North Idaho College. 


Below is a list of authors if you would like to learn more about their work and additional resources for LGBTQIA+ reading materials.


FREE LENDING LIBRARY: If you would like to check out a book with us, please email us with the title, your name and contact info. We can help connect you with the book from our library.


We only lend books to individuals located in the five Northern Idaho Counties (Kootenai, Shoshone, Benewah, Bonner, and Boundary).


This is a growing resource list. Please contact us at to recommend a book that we should add!


How to use these resources: Scroll in each of the tables to see more listings. Click on a film or documentary for more information. You can click for a larger view or also use the search or filter options to find what you are looking for.


LGBTQ+ Reading Resources

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